Home Remedy | Why My Dog is Drooling And Acting Strange

A very amazing fact has been discovered: Why My Dog is Drooling and Acting Strange? Excessive drooling and unusual behaviour in senior dogs can raise concerns among pet owners.

While drooling is a natural process to some extent, sudden changes or excessive drooling coupled with abnormal behaviour might indicate an underlying issue.

It’s important to assess the situation and consider various factors that could be contributing to your dog’s symptoms.

Dogs can drool for a variety of reasons, including excitement, hunger, exposure to unfamiliar scents, and even car rides.

However, it’s advisable to pay closer attention when drooling coexists with behavior that differs from your dog’s typical demeanor.



Why my puppy drool


Behavioural changes could encompass restlessness, pacing, lethargy, aggression, or a reluctance to engage in activities they usually enjoy.

These changes might point to discomfort, pain, anxiety, or even illness. If your dog seems to be in distress, it’s advisable to contact your veterinarian for guidance.

How many types of dog drooling?

We have mentioned some queries about dog drooling, but you should know the types of dog drooling, which will help you understand the reasons.

There are two types of drooling: thick drooling and slim (or thin) drooling. This common thing in dogs can indicate different underlying conditions or causes. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between the two types of drooling:

Thick Drooling in Canines

Thick drooling is characterised by saliva that has a more viscous or gel-like consistency. It might appear stringy or cling to surfaces. Thick saliva drooling can be caused by allergies, foreign objects, infections, etc.

Slim Drooling in Dogs

Slim or thin drooling refers to saliva that is more watery and flows easily. This type of drooling can occur for different reasons, as mentioned below, such as excitement or anticipation, excessive drinking, medications, etc.

How many causes are there for dog drooling?

Some potential causes of excessive drooling and unusual behaviour could include:

Oral Health Issues: They often occur due to dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth abscesses, which can lead to increased drooling and discomfort.

Nausea or digestive upset: the most common cause of drooling is gastrointestinal problems. This can cause drooling and behaviour changes. Your dog might be experiencing nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

Toxic Substances: Ingesting toxic plants, foods, or chemicals can lead to drooling and immediate behavioural changes due to the body’s response to the toxin.

Infections: some types of infections in the mouth, throat, or other areas of the body can lead to excessive drooling and general discomfort.

Anxiety or Stress: Dogs can exhibit increased drooling and unusual behaviour when they’re anxious or stressed. This might occur due to changes in their environment, routine, or exposure to unfamiliar situations.

Pain or Injury: Any sort of pain or injury can cause your dog to behave strangely and might also trigger excessive drooling as a response.

Neurological Issues: Certain neurological conditions can result in both drooling and behavioural changes.

dog drooling suddenly


Given the range of potential causes, it’s best to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

Your vet can conduct a thorough examination, review your dog’s medical history, and perform any necessary tests to identify the underlying issue.

Early intervention can ensure your dog’s well-being and prevent any further complications.

Do puppies drool when in pain?

Yes, dogs can drool when they are suffering. Actually, guys, excessive drooling or hypersalivation can be a sign that your dog is experiencing discomfort or pain.

When loyal companions are in pain, their body’s stress response can lead to an increase in saliva production, resulting in drooling.

This is a physiological response that can occur in various situations, such as injuries, illnesses, dental issues, or other sources of pain.

It’s important to note that while drooling can be a potential indicator of pain, it’s not the only symptom to consider.

Dogs may also exhibit other signs of pain, such as changes in behaviour, restlessness, whimpering, reluctance to move, decreased appetite, changes in posture, and more.

The combination of drooling and other signs can help you assess whether your dog might be in pain and in need of medical attention.

If you suspect that your dog is in pain due to excessive drooling or any other unusual behaviour, it’s recommended that you consult with a veterinarian.

A veterinarian can properly evaluate your dog’s condition, identify the source of the pain, and recommend appropriate treatment to alleviate their discomfort.

Early detection and intervention can lead to better outcomes for your dog’s health and well-being.

Do dogs drool when they have an upset stomach?

Yes, it is confirmed that your puppies can drool when they have an upset stomach. Nausea and digestive discomfort can lead to increased saliva production in dogs, resulting in drooling.

This is a common physiological response in many animals, including humans and dogs.

When a dog’s stomach is upset, whether due to dietary indiscretion, gastrointestinal issues, or other factors, their body’s natural response can include excess drooling.

If your dog is experiencing these symptoms along with excessive drooling, it’s a good idea to monitor them closely and consider seeking veterinary advice.

Keep in mind that while some drooling might be normal in certain situations, persistent or severe symptoms should not be ignored.

If your dog’s upset stomach and excessive drooling persist for an extended period of time, it’s recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Is a loyal dog drooling due to anxiety?

Yes, dog drooling can sometimes be associated with anxiety. When dogs experience anxiety, stress, or fear, it can trigger a variety of physiological responses, including increased saliva production and drooling. This reaction is part of the body’s “fight or flight” response, where the body prepares itself for potential danger.

Anxiety-related drooling might occur in situations such as:

Separation Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety might drool excessively when left alone or when anticipating their owner’s departure.

Noise Phobias: Loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks can cause anxiety in dogs, leading to increased drooling.


Dog drooling home remedy


New Environments or Situations: Dogs that are unfamiliar with certain environments or situations can become anxious, resulting in drooling.

Social Anxiety: Dogs that are anxious around other dogs, strangers, or new situations might also exhibit drooling.

Veterinary Visits: Many dogs experience anxiety during veterinary visits, leading to nervous drooling.

It’s important to note that while drooling can be a sign of anxiety, it’s not the only symptom to consider.

Dogs experiencing anxiety may also show other behaviours like restlessness, pacing, shaking, panting, whining, hiding, or destructive behaviour.

How can we make a home remedy for dog drooling?

Home remedies for dog drooling can be helpful in managing mild cases, but it’s important to note that if your dog’s drooling is persistent, severe, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, you should consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Here are some other home remedies that you can try to help manage occasional or mild cases of dog drooling:

Maintain oral health.

Regular dental care is important for preventing dental issues that can lead to excessive drooling. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly and provide dental chews or toys designed to promote oral hygiene.

Control stress and anxiety.


If your dog’s drooling is related to stress or anxiety, creating a calm and comfortable environment can help. Provide a safe and quiet space for your dog, use calming techniques like soothing music or aromatherapy, and consider gradual exposure to anxiety-triggering situations.

Monitor Diet


Certain foods or treats might trigger drooling in some dogs. Avoid feeding your dog spicy, fatty, or unfamiliar foods that could lead to digestive upset.



Ensure your dog stays properly hydrated, as dehydration can sometimes lead to excessive drooling. Provide access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Keep the environment clean.


Excessive drooling can sometimes result from ingesting toxic substances. Keep your home free from harmful chemicals, plants, and foods that could be dangerous to your dog.

Regular Exercise


Providing regular exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn might help manage excessive drooling.

Cool and comfortable environment


Dogs might drool more in warm environments. Make sure your dog has access to shade and a cool place to rest.

Use elevated feeding bowls.


Elevated feeding bowls can help reduce the amount of air your dog ingests while eating, which can cause drooling. Also, make sure your dog eats slowly and chews its food thoroughly to avoid swallowing air.

Why My Dog is Drooling & Acting Strange 


Regular vet checkups


Regular visits to the veterinarian can aid in identifying any potential health issues early and stop excessive drooling that results from underlying medical conditions.

By following these tips, you may be able to reduce your dog’s drooling at home. Remember, patience and consistency are key when it comes to training your dog, so be sure to give it time to adjust to any changes you make.

Why is your dog drooling suddenly and licking excessively?

My dear viewers, excessive drooling and licking in dogs can have various causes, and it’s important to consider both physical and behavioural factors when trying to understand why your dog is exhibiting these behaviours.

Here are some potential reasons for excessive drooling and licking in dogs, such as hunger, environmental factors, overheating, drool-prone breeds, etc.

Given the range of potential causes, it’s important to monitor your dog closely and consider their overall behaviour, appetite, and any other accompanying symptoms.

It is advisable to speak with any reputable breeder if your dog’s excessive licking and drooling persist, get worse, or come with other alarming symptoms.

About Muntaha

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