GAK9 Coaches and South Carolina canines will be at the Charleston Riverdogs home games each Monday night! Come to our table close to the concessions region to discuss canines and canine way of behaving.

The canines recover bats off the field during the second inning of home games. Czabin, is a Belgian Malinois, guaranteed for explosives discovery, and Ruin is a German Shepherd, confirmed for opiate location. The two canines prepared by GAK9 engage fans as they recover bats off the field during the subsequent inning.
GAK9, situated on Edisto Island, is the South’s head K9 preparation organization. Our coaches have broadly perceived canine controllers, and our clients are across the country! We value our canine insight and involvement, as well as our proposition data on each type of canine and each behavior issue.
We have a staff of guaranteed proficient mentors that will show your canine legitimate way of behaving as well as assist with instructing you, the proprietor, on the best way to reasonably and really speak with your canine. GAK9 at Charleston Riverdogs Whatever your necessities might be, GAK9 coaches will work with you to accomplish the relationship you have practically forever needed with your canine.
Our Compliance Preparing starts with Little dog Preschool and offers programs through First class Submission, giving you control of your canine off rope under interruptions. Our Ecological Preparation and Socialization program will give you and your canine certainty to invest energy in a wide range of public spots with many kinds of interruptions.
So kindly acknowledge our greeting and search for GAK9 canines and coaches at the game. We invite you to stop by our table and we should discuss canines! For more data on our Dutifulness Preparing if it’s not too much trouble, click the connection underneath.
GAK9 Dog Find
k9_deja_working-300x300Another GAK9 Dog find… they are coming consistently! Mike Artisan and Deja from the San Bernardino District Sheriff’s Department did an outstanding job.
Basic Missing 14-01985 7400 Cherry Ave (US Bank) 1336 hrs
Officials responded to the US Bank regarding a disclosed basic missing. RP ZZZZ announced the departure of her mother ZZZZ (DOB: 040444) from the RP’s left vehicle. Alzheimer’s disease progressed as a result of ZZZZs experiences. A broad region search was directed by officials to incorporate the utilization of Red Bird of prey 1, criminal investigator staff, and a SBSO dog group. The hunting dog group (Dep. Bricklayer and K-9 “Deja”) followed the basic missing instructions all through the town of Legacy. Det. Goltara, alongside watch officials, looked through the area by walking with the K-9 Group. The track was built in the town’s northeastern outskirts.
K-9 “Deja” followed the basic trail further east in town and then across Cherry to the strolling way between business stockrooms before laying out a base. The most important thing was a sense of security and well-being. Com Center responds with a careful examination of ZZZZas. ZZZZ was brought together with her girl and eliminated from MUPS. Extraordinary occupation by all interested parties!